
Thursday, December 8, 2011


***New Photos added!!!***12/8/11***

I went to Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana earlier today and took a few pictures. I've thought about starting a blog like this for a while now and I decided that today was the day for it. So welcome to Presidential Passions!!!

23rd President: Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
First Lady: Caroline Scott

21st Vice President-Thomas A. Hendricks (1885)

26th Vice President-Charles W. Fairbanks (1905-1909)

28th Vice President-Thomas R. Marshall (1913-1921)

Graves Visited: 4/66 or 6%
(Benjamin Harrison-Thomas A. Hendricks-Charles W. Fairbanks-Thomas R. Marshall)

23) Benjamin Harrison

Cursive signature in ink

Benjamin Harrison
Born: 8/20/1833 North Bend, Ohio
Died: 3/13/1901 Indianapolis, Indiana (Age-67)
23rd President (1889-1893)
First Lady: Caroline Scott (until her death: 1892)
Party: Republican
Religion: Presbyterian
Military Service: Veteran-American Civil War (1861-1865)
Misc: US Senator-Indiana (1881-1887)


Benjamin Harrison was born on August 20, 1833 to John Scott Harrison (US Congressman-Ohio) and Elizabeth Ramsey Irwin. He is the grandson of President William Henry Harrison (unique) and great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, a Virginia Governor and one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. The Harrison family was one of the first families of Virginia, going back to 1630. Although his schooling would begin in a one-room school house, he would go on to attend Farmer's College in 1847 and then transfer to Miami University in 1850 and graduate in 1852. 

Harrison moved to Indianapolis in 1854, after getting married to Caroline Lavinia Scott in 1853, and passed the bar exam. He worked as a lawyer in the city until he was asked to recruit soldiers for the Union Army during the Civil War in 1862 and ultimately he joined and would become Brigadier General in 1865.

He defeated Democratic Incumbent Grover Cleveland in the 1888 Presidential Election (he would lose to Cleveland in 1892) and his Presidency is remembered for the McKinley Tariff, the Sherman Antitrust Act, and for advocating the protection of African-American voting rights. He wife Caroline died in 1892

After he lost the 1892 Presidential Election, Harrison continued to help out when needed. He helped the Republic of Venezuela in a case against the United Kingdom and after touring Europe in 1900 he headed home. He had gradually become sicker and sicker from the effects of influenza and died on March 13, 1901 at the age of 67. He is buried at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.


Information about the Benjamin Harrison Home and Museum can be found on this website:



Former President Harrison is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, the third largest in the United States, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Harrison had been a resident of Indianapolis since he was 21 years old. He is buried in this location: Section 13, Lot 57, with a directional path set up towards the entrance of the cemetery. The directions to his tomb are also found on the cemetery map, which can either be picked up in the office or printed out online on their website: